In memory of those whom we have lost...

David Payne (1984)
Allen Eldridge (1986)
Derrick Martin (late 1980's)
Floyd Carroll (1992)
Tony McNair (1992)
Penny Ball (1999)
Charlie Taylor (date unknown)
Peter Scott Hatten (2004)
Tanya Driskell (2007)
Jonathan Kinlaw (2010)
Bill Barton
Bruce Thames
Jimmy Martin (2010)
Erika Hughes (date unknown)
Barbara Hardin Barkes
Greg Dotson
Chuck Lott
Dave Ross
Mollie Little
Shirley Thomas Merritt
Willie Wilson
Hilton Pate
Elizabeth Green Bowen
Mark Peoples (2020)
Robin Ray Arender (2021)

. In a book by the author Thomas Moore, he quotes Ficino, saying, "Pythagorus asks that we not let a friend go lightly, for whatever reason.  Instead, we should stay with a friend as long as we can, until we're compelled to abandon him completely against our will.  It is a serious thing to toss money away, but to cast aside a person is even more serious.  Nothing in human life is more rarely found, nothing more dearly possessed.  No loss is more chilling or dangerous than that of a friend."  Thanks to Jocelyn Bourn Doran for providing this timely quote.