Ben Lewis
1205 Courtney Ln.
Lewisville, TX  75077
Eileen, married 1993, and Katrina, born 1994.  We started late with my family.  20 years later for my wife, and no, she was not an accident.  She was a gift.  I was just proud to be a dad because I pretty much accepted the fact I would never be a father until I met my wife Eileen.  Eileen is a legal secretary for Cooper & Scully.  She's from Memphis.
IT Manager / Network Administrator for IMS Connector Systems.  I take care of all computer issues within the company, software and hardware.  I keep the company going on the inside, and connectivity to and from the outside world.  I hold a Microsoft certification in NT 4.0.  No college.  Computers are my forte'.  I started as a hobby in 1993 and am now making a living out of it.  I came to Dallas with no job with my family (Eileen had no job, either) to start a new life in 1997.
School of Engineering and Applied Science, Southern Methodist University
Hobbies are more with computers and I am always doing something around the house, remodeling or something.  I like working on my cars and I still enjoy playing music but have not found the time to pursue it here in Lewisville.  One day I would like to get a band together and play, but I don't see it happening for now.  Too busy!  I divorced Mary Jayne in 1988 and moved back to Jackson to help with the hardware store.  I decided to seek new adventures again in 1997.

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