Jim Ayers
2497 Wind Forest Ct.
Norcross, GA  30071
I married Linda in 1990.  She works in an office support position with North Atlanta Dermatology.
I produce The Neal Boortz Show (politics) and The Clark Howard Show (consumer advice) from WSB Atlanta, carried on 300 other stations, including in Jackson at FM 97.3 (for Boortz) and FM 103.9 (Clark).
Broadcast Journalism A.A., Hinds Junior College; Radio/TV/Film B.S., Middle Tennessee State University
I travel around the country to ride behind steam locomotives, and I listen to 70's oldies on internet radio.  I very much enjoy maintaining this website.  My retirement plans are to move to Chattanooga and work as a tour guide on their steam-powered excursion railroad..

With my lovely Linda in Alaska on a cold June afternoon

My retirement career, many years in the future, conducting tours on the train behind this beautiful steam locomotive
© 8Oct11