Gary Arinder
718 Robinson Springs Rd.
Flora, MS  39071
601-613-7655, 601-856-8577
I married Betty Burton from Winona in 1988.  Victoria (Tori), born 1991, is a Junior at Mississippi State.  Amy, born 1993, is a Senior at Jackson Academy.  Graham, born 1994, is a Junior at Jackson Academy.  Betty is a Partner in the law firm of Wells, Marble & Hurst in Ridgeland.
I own Arinder Video Duplication and operate my company out of my home.   I do medium to large quantity DVD and CD duplication.
Music Business, B.A., Belmont College (now Belmont University), Nashville; M.A. MFT (Marriage & Family Therapy), Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson
I play golf at Colonial Country Club, and enjoy spending time at our lake house on Smith Lake in north Alabama.  I enjoy gardening, as well.  My family moved to Columbus, MS between the 8th and 9th grade, and I graduated from New Hope High School in 1978.

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